
Friday, 11 March 2011

(Re)Branding Afrika

Here is a very thought-provoking article about the way Africa is
viewed by the world and how the new catchphrase is "(Re)branding
Africa" and what that really means. I will admit bias as I know the
beautiful young lady who wrote this and even more so due to the fact
that I proudly wear the t-shirt emblazoned with the mantra she
mentions in her article as I was fortunate to be a part of that
movement during undergrad he he he ;}. It makes me sad that Africa is
homogenised and/ or being colonised by the countries that are able to
get their culture out better than others. I am tired of reminding
people that we are varied, diverse and have the best and the worst as
in any other region in the world. Things are just more transparent
and everything is laid out for everyone to see. And unfortunately
global media choose to focus on our vulnerablities damning us to being
"the dark continent" despite the fact that our light blaze bright and
we have the tools to shine.

I agree with most of what Cheryl says. Yes we are part of the problem
when we refer to Africa sometimes. We do have commonalities that bind
us and the only way for the continent to thrive is for us to work
together and see how our unique strengths and weaknesses affect
ourselves and eachother. It's all about levels. You can refer to the
whole while recognising the parts. Which is why I named this blog
Mwana ba Afrika. I know that my perspective and roots are Southern
African and in particular mostly Zambian but I recognise that it is
important to highlight the many facets of the continent to grow and
thrive. So I thinl we should not abandon out kinship to Africa and
referring to the continent, what we need to be is vigilant and awarew
of how this can be twisted to create an imaginary monolithic view of
our abundant diversity.

I am full of hope though. Mama Afrika has been pulling this mwana back
home for a reason. She knows she has great resources deep in her womb
and walking her land and is mobilising. I know of many others hearing
the drums calling for them. For Africa to take her rightful place in
the world both united as a continent and individually as countries and
people, we of the motherland need to be at the forefront. I am glad
Cheryl is going to speak on our behalf. I have no doubt that she is
the right ambassador in this arena.

Cheryl's article: http://spotghana/articles.aspx
You can comment here:
Cheryl's website:

P.s. Back to mobile posting so please excuse typos. I have tried to
scroll across to proofread but I can never get to the end without the
cursor jumping to another line or something :(

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Au Revoir

Heading back home today.  Strange, as it means another early chapter in Volume IV of my life has come to an end (yes we have had Volumes I-III already!).  Excited, as I am on the brink of finally being where I have working to be for the last 10 years and scared bleepless because when you go for what you are passionate about with such belief in it, the stakes are higher and the cost is greater.

I am in a happy transitional period where I am finally shedding my university student vibe and embracing the positives of adulthood.  However, I am fiercely devoted to being a life learner, constantly evolving and growing while ensuring I never grow up.  When you are grown-up you have finished growing: meaning you have capped off any further expansion, eschewed new horizons and learning, have closed off the routes to new places and there is no more room to embrace new things.  That sounds like death in life to me.  I do not want to settle and be disgruntled, living with regret.  Selfish yet selfless as it means that in being committed to living life I will be a much happier person and may actually contribute my little useful something to the world one day. So there will always be the kid inside wanting to play and explore and make mistakes, ready to dust myself off and start again when needed.  But the new adult in me will be the voice of reason to centre this energy.  That's the rationale anyways...

Here goes!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Happy International Women's Day

Today marks the Centenary of this now global event. It was created to alert the world to the trials and tribulations women face for equality where it is due.  It is important to note that even though we are celebrating progress, 100 years has not been enough to achieve equal status in the in both the professional and personal realms of life.  So today I am celebrating the commitment to change and to recognising that even though injustice still prevails, it is not insurmountable: if we take the necessary steps  with passion and commitment we can achieve a lot more in less time from now on.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Blood Sport

I know we Africans have a special passion for football.  I talked about this during my World Cup Fever period probably ad nauseum. This unfortunate event in Zambia shows that our love for football can be twisted.  The loss of life here was unnecessary.  We have a particular passion for English football, all you have to do is look at the minibuses emblazoned with their love for Premier League teams.  However, this was one match and not an important one at that.  I am really happy that Chelsea beat Man U coz I really can't stand them and their fans are even worse but there was no need for things to come to this. :( is all I have to say...That and I'll bleed blue forever...

Me, Chelsea Stadium, March 2009

There is a way to love the game without turning it into a blood sport.  Stampedes are very common in Africa at stadiums in particular.  That is usually due to poor infrastructure.  Let us not exacerbate the problem by causing unnecessary loss of life at bars and other viewing venues.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


As promised here information to get you up to speed on the Libya situation.

Gaddafi spoke to the BBC yesterday and laughed when asked if he would ever leave Libya. Very dismissive, very haughty, very eerie, very scary.  I don't think he's going to let go. Unlike Mubarak and Ben Ali, I don't think he will bow out with even a modicum of grace.  And his feelings of betrayal from the West has been exacerbated by the sanctions further cementing this unfortunate likelihood. He is a true despot: has a twisted love for his country and truly believes it is his sovereign right to protect and serve his people no matter what, including inflicting tough love through violence to keep them in check. All in a very calm and controlled manner.  If he is in any sort of panic, not even those his inner circle will know about it.  Those still waters of his definitely run deep, we just don't know how deep and won't till he wants us to. I love how he is using the loophole of having no official position as the reason he cannot resign and step down from power. As he is referred to as simply "The Leader" he is free to interpret that anyway he likes as it can mean anything really! And his interpretation is so profound and astute that it makes his craziness seem justified. He hasn't been leading for 42 years by chance, it has clearly been by very meticulous and purposeful design.

Here are some videos to recap what has happened in the last 2 weeks:

The "Day of Rage" February 17th

Government and military violence against protesters

Gaddafi addressing crowd in Tripoli

The exodus of the tens of thousands migrant workers to Tunisia.  They are from the vicinity and as far as China)!

Border between Libya and Tunisia reaching crisis point with all the refugees.

Unfortunately there is violence coming from the government to curb the protesting and migrant workers are caught in the crossfire.I do not see a peaceful resolution to Libya's version of the North African protest movement.  This makes me sad :(. This is going to be a long and painful methinks...

To follow the unrest, the BBC continues its dedicated live feed on the events in North Africa and the Middle East now titled Libya Revolt.