
Sunday 22 August 2010

TIA: This Is Africa :)

As many an African has said, including Leonardo di Caprio in Blood Diamond, "TIA - This is Africa". When foreigners are faced with this reality, panic usually ensues, but us Africans merely shrug our shoulders and find a way to improvise. So here I am making do with my current resources and commencing a new feature on my blog - the mobile post :)!

I was originally going to start this post series with pictures I plan to take as I reacquaint myself with the motherland. But it seems that fate would have me use the most ubiquitous technology on the continent to keep my blog alive while my
computer internet access is on indefinite hiatus!

I apologise in advance for the lack of depth that I usually try to incorporate in my posts through hyperlinks, background info and videos. I will try to be creative, informative and entertaining in other ways :). This will probably lead to more nonsense than usual he he he...

For the moment I am lamenting the lack of the bracket that I use to do my sticking out my tongue smileys and wondering how I am going to continue posting while typing and editing on a small Blackberry keyboard and screen!!


  1. AhHh! We need to sort this out in Africa. Considering how web oriented everything is now we can't afford to slack here.
    When I think about moving back home, I'm always confronted of the thought of not being able to access remotely comparable internet and that's a huge hinder!
    Well done on the mobile posts. Hope you find a more convenient way to post though as we don't want to loose you in afrosphere!

  2. I have finally sorted out blogging via mobile so I am back! Not to be too unfair to home though, my internet connection at home is great when it works he he he. I am taking up the challenge, life is never a smooth journey - it's all about how you deal with the bumps in the road :)
