
Friday, 25 February 2011

"The Spirit of Democracy"

The seminal unrest that is going on in North Africa (and the Middle East) has inspired the change in Amashibi on the blog.  I never thought Gaddafi would be wobbled let alone in serious risk of being toppled.  The recent events in Libya have negated that view.  What is scary though is that each time a new country in North Africa walks in Tunisia's footsteps, the protests get more powerful and more violent and events seem to gain momentum much faster.  I feel like Eygpt's movement was on crack,  and now Libya is moving at warp speed!

I will blog about Libya in more detail next week.  It's been a long one and I'd like to be able to passively follow for a bit longer before I actively give my two cents.  Until then all I can say is I know one thing for sure - Richard Dowden, a British journalist who has covered Africa for decades is right:

"The spirit of democracy is not at all alien to Africa."

The BBC has been providing great coverage on a dedicated page of their website since the unrest began in the region.  You can keep up-to-date with live video here.

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