
Friday 7 January 2011

Afropolitan Elephant Delicacy

In an effort to preemtively get my brain functioning in French for my classes that start next week, I decided to start reading the paper while eating my lunch.  (Yes I do keep some of my promises). In the kitchen, there usually is a copy of 20 Minutes, a very light read that basically steals a lot of its news from the BBC ha ha ha.  Which made it very easy to fudge through as I was like I read about this yesterday....Anyhoo, I came across this little fluff piece, which is not available online, so I took a picture of it.

Elephants are my favourite animal due to the affinity I feel for their way of life and because they are just awesome possum!  They are family oriented, smart, majestic and have a taste for marula fruit that I would still like to believe gets them a little tipsy as does Amarula when I fancy a tipple :).  And they are a little destructive for no apparent reason sometimes, which I can completely understand and this imperfection makes them perfect. Sometimes you just need to stomp about and let it out. You have to have flaws to be truly beautiful I think.  And now it seems they can be Afropolitan too!  Here they are in Switzerland and like me are also partaking of local delicacies and delights.  Badly translated the caption reads:

"Christmastime is over, the Bale Zoo animals are always at the party.  Christmas trees that don't find a buyer are given as dessert. A culinary delicacy that is much appreciated by the elephants!"

Here they are being all cosmpolitan it's awesome! As I was walking home I saw a pile of abandoned Christmas trees and wondered if they too will end up rounding off an elephants meal in the future. My hosts have been coaxing me to have one more glass of wine and feeding me horse.  Oui, cheval! Je sais, je sais...I would try some sapins de noel too but I think I'll stick to my wine, cheese, chocolate and Haribo thanks.  I've had fondue (with cognac in it he he he), now to try raclette...


  1. Elephants are super awesome! You must go and visit your afropolitan friends at the zoo if you can :)

  2. After viewing lions with long matted manes that dreaded due to adapting to the cold at West Midlands Safari Park in the UK and consequently being traumatised I think I'll pass. Switzerland is even colder than the UK, I dread to think what it has done to the elephants' skin. I highly doubt they are equipped with cocoa butter like I am ha ha ha!
