
Monday 3 January 2011

Top 10 posts of 2010

Well really its the Top 9 with one from this year but seeing as resolutions are shaped by the year that has just been I think my resolution post is really a 2010 post he he he.

I wasn't going to have my Top 10 posts featured on the blog as I thought it was rather didactic and chose the democratic route and used the data the site collects to have your top 5 posts featured on the right.  However, as my blog has been growing over the last 7 months I feel that people are still coming in and out and so may have missed some posts that I feel showcase both my best writing and really encapsulate my love for the continent, the issues I am passionate about, and my nonsensical nature.  An African without a little despot in them is not an African at all I say he he ;}. So here are my Top 10 ranked in order, starting with my favourite:

1. Transitioning from Young And Eager To Accomplished
2. Resolution Time
3. World Cup Lessons
4. Dress To Express: Proudly African Accessories
5. "You are so beautiful, how come you haven't had anyone's babies yet?"
6. Why It Sucks To Be A Young Educated African Woman Today And So On...

7. Thoughts on The Hybrid Nature of the African/ Afropolitan Inspired By Music
8. Obama's Address To The President's Forum With Young African Leaders: You represent a different vision, a vision of Africa on the move"
9. Interesting Debate
10. What Are Our Priorities?

And they are also featured on the right :).

I have also just started to use Google Analytics to track traffic and see who is reading that is not formally a follower.  I did not do this at the beginning as I wanted Mwana Ba Afrika to evolve on its own without really thinking about trying to get an audience and pandering for support.  I think now I have gotten into the groove and I'm in a healthy place, so this tool will be used more out of curiosity than shaping what I write about and how I write.

I have also joined Afrigator, a leading African blog aggregator and social media site.  If you are on it please connect with me, I am registered as MBA.

2011 has started off well, I am so excited to see what it brings!

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