For Your Daily Dose of MbA

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"Culture is the heritage of us all. some may be more interested than others in the treasures of the past, but no one can fail to take a pride in his country's participation in the story of mankind, as represented in carvings, sculpture, music, paintings and the other arts. And there is a personal commitment to this, for no man can really say he is alone: we are all joined through our identity, with the cultures which are part of the mainstream of life"
- Simon Kapwepwe, Zambian Independence Freedom Fighter

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

"Try to be the rainbow in someone else's cloud" - Maya Angelou

"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinion drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition" - Steve Jobs

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Zed I'm Here To Stay!

Being on the continent and in the country of my birth is where I am meant to be.  I have talked about how Zambia has a penchant towards rejection of my Afropolitan self, but I am not going to let it get the better of me this time. Struggling with my identity is most acutely evident when I am home, but I think I have finally conquered my demons and am happy to shine - I am and not let anyone cast a shadow on the light I emit.  I am very excited to be here as there is a lot going on, and I want to be a part of it too :).

This post originally had a video that was part of my series Video Musing of an Afropolitan Woman.  It was the third and last one I made.  I realised that it took way too much energy to talk and be me in front of the camera, it is much easier for me to write to convey my nonsense and splashes of profound insight and brilliance (we can agree to disagree on that he he he).  I don't have the desire to be in front of the camera really.  I think that my posts in and of themselves more than adequately reflect my personality.  If you haven't realised by now that I am an intelligent, slightly unhinged and wacky afropolitan woman I can't help you ;}. 


  1. Yay ms phillippe! MBA looking hot and ready to take on the world with her afropo self!

  2. Thanks or as they say tanks ;}. Look out for videos of other mwana ba afrika's in the coming weeks...
