Happy New Year from Accra! So excited to be in West Africa for the first time. I shall blog about that in due course I promise. In 2014 I plan to create a system to better accomplish my goal of blogging more, as part of my larger life passion to contribute to creating and populating the internet with more Zambian and African content, after being inspired by this
article. The ridonkulously fast internet here in Ghana is definitely already encouraging me to be more proactive already ;}.

I recently listened to Zambia's first President, Kenneth Kaunda's tribute at Nelson Mandela's funeral - by default a
mashiwi ya bakulu: words of/ from those who are grown ie: (wise) words from our elders. There was as a lot of furore about his use of the now derogatory term Boer as opposed to the more politically correct and acceptable Afrikaner. I think people overreacted as he was recounting stories of Mandela's (and his) experience of Apartheid . And KK is old: leave this nonagenarian alone! He spoke off the cuff, in an impassioned, personal and honest fashion. I do not think he meant any harm by it. I think the speech needs to be viewed in context. I really appreciate the candor, eloquence and authenticity with which he delivered his tribute. What I took from his outpouring of love for Mandela and his insight into human nature is that we need to stop getting in our own way and realise that we need to "love thy neighbour" as we are all the same: we are all muntu: human in the end. And in order to do that we need to realise our power and not abuse it by being an agent or active force of subjugation, but use it as a positive and impactful force for change.
So here's to a year dedicated to focusing on creating systems of evolution and inspiration that lead to positive change and to passionate and fulfilled lives - especially in unexpected and interesting ways :)!
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