For Your Daily Dose of MbA

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"Culture is the heritage of us all. some may be more interested than others in the treasures of the past, but no one can fail to take a pride in his country's participation in the story of mankind, as represented in carvings, sculpture, music, paintings and the other arts. And there is a personal commitment to this, for no man can really say he is alone: we are all joined through our identity, with the cultures which are part of the mainstream of life"
- Simon Kapwepwe, Zambian Independence Freedom Fighter

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

"Try to be the rainbow in someone else's cloud" - Maya Angelou

"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinion drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition" - Steve Jobs

Monday 3 January 2011

Top 10 posts of 2010

Well really its the Top 9 with one from this year but seeing as resolutions are shaped by the year that has just been I think my resolution post is really a 2010 post he he he.

I wasn't going to have my Top 10 posts featured on the blog as I thought it was rather didactic and chose the democratic route and used the data the site collects to have your top 5 posts featured on the right.  However, as my blog has been growing over the last 7 months I feel that people are still coming in and out and so may have missed some posts that I feel showcase both my best writing and really encapsulate my love for the continent, the issues I am passionate about, and my nonsensical nature.  An African without a little despot in them is not an African at all I say he he ;}. So here are my Top 10 ranked in order, starting with my favourite:

1. Transitioning from Young And Eager To Accomplished
2. Resolution Time
3. World Cup Lessons
4. Dress To Express: Proudly African Accessories
5. "You are so beautiful, how come you haven't had anyone's babies yet?"
6. Why It Sucks To Be A Young Educated African Woman Today And So On...

7. Thoughts on The Hybrid Nature of the African/ Afropolitan Inspired By Music
8. Obama's Address To The President's Forum With Young African Leaders: You represent a different vision, a vision of Africa on the move"
9. Interesting Debate
10. What Are Our Priorities?

And they are also featured on the right :).

I have also just started to use Google Analytics to track traffic and see who is reading that is not formally a follower.  I did not do this at the beginning as I wanted Mwana Ba Afrika to evolve on its own without really thinking about trying to get an audience and pandering for support.  I think now I have gotten into the groove and I'm in a healthy place, so this tool will be used more out of curiosity than shaping what I write about and how I write.

I have also joined Afrigator, a leading African blog aggregator and social media site.  If you are on it please connect with me, I am registered as MBA.

2011 has started off well, I am so excited to see what it brings!

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